Newsletter of the Cincinnati Section

of the

American Chemical Society

Volume 34 (8)
April 1997

EditorEdward Burton
Assistant EditorDianne Sod
AdvertisingJackie Hoofring
AdvertisingCindy Brittain

CINTACS is published nine times a year (September through May) by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society in cooperation with the Oesper Collection in the History of Chemistry of the University of Cincinnati. All changes of address should be sent to Emel Yakali at Raymond Walters College, 9555 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236; 7455686 or 7455767 (FAX).

Every member is urged to send in their e-mail address. The message should consist of the e-mail address in the "From" area and the full name of the member in the "Subject" area of the message format. Send this information via e-mail to: ACS@UCRWCU.RWC.UC.EDU

In This Issue ....



The submission deadline for the next Newsletter (May 1997) issue is Wednesday, April 9, 1997. All materials should be sent to:

All materials should be sent to:

Dr. Edward Burton
Procter & Gamble
P. O. Box 538707
Cincinnati, OH 45253.

Telephone:(513) 627-1494
FAX: (513) 627-1233

OR Dianne Sod at e-mail:



Wednesday, April 30
(Northern Kentucky University)
High School Teachers Night and joint with Northern Kentucky Chapter of Sigma Xi
Featured Speaker: Dr. Russell Hulse, Princeton University, 1995 Nobel Laureate, Physics
Discussion Groups: Computational and Education
Friday, May 23 -Tentative-
(Valley Vineyards)
Outstanding Service to the Cincinnati ACS Section Award


Nobel Laureate Dr. Russell Hulse Speaks at the
April Meeting

Dr. Russell Hulse was born in New York City on November 28, 1950. In 1970, he received his bachelor's degree in physics from The Cooper Union, a college in lower Manhattan. He then went on to graduate studies at The University of Massachusetts in Amherst, where Dr. Hulse's childhood interest in amateur radio undoubtedly influenced his decision to explore radio astronomy as his graduate thesis subject. After completing his Ph.D. in 1975, Dr. Hulse accepted a two year, post-doctoral appointment at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Charlottesville, Virginia. From there, Dr. Hulse took a position at the Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) with the plasma modeling group, where he remains today. Dr. Hulse's research interests include modeling the behavior of impurity ions in the high temperature plasmas of the controlled thermonuclear fusion devices at PPPL and modeling the transport of electrons in the plasma as revealed by pellet injection experiments. Dr. Hulse is a Distinguished Research Fellow at PPPL and an American Physical Society Fellow. In 1993, Dr. Hulse was recognized for his outstanding research by being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.

An Astronomical Detective Story:
The Discovery of the Binary Pulsar

Among the many things we hope for in our lives is to have some opportunity for adventure, and to experience personal discoveries which lead us to a deeper knowledge of the fascinating world around us. For me, this meant an interest in science from an early age, an interest which eventually lead to the opportunity to make a rather special discovery and receive a Nobel Prize. But my recollection of the discovery which lead to the prize is still most deeply that of a very personal adventure, one fraught with both anxiety and frustration as well as triumph and understanding. This adventure began when, as a graduate student, I embarked on a search using a giant radio telescope to discover new pulsars. Pulsars are rotating collapsed stars in our galaxy which generate a unique type of regularly pulsed radio emission. Puzzling and unexpected variations in the apparent pulsation period of one new pulsar found in this search ultimately revealed that this remarkable pulsar was the first to be found in orbit around a companion star. In a classic case of scientific serendipity, this "binary pulsar" has provided an unprecedented opportunity to study effects predicted by Einstein's theory of relativity, including the emission of gravitational waves.


From the Chair

This April's meeting is joint with the Northern Kentucky Chapter of Sigma Xi and it marks a very special meeting for the Section. We are honored to be hosting Nobel Laureate Russell Hulse at the NKU meeting site. I hope that as many people as possible from Section will be able to take advantage of this opportunity. I'd like to note that Russell is especially interested in meeting and interacting with area high school students who are interested in pursuing a career in the sciences. There will be a reception specifically for the high school students and their teachers before Russell's talk. The students and teachers will be able to meet with Russell on a one-to-one basis during this period. Russell's talk will mirror his presentation lecture he gave when he accepted the Nobel Prize. After dinner, there will be a second reception at the NKU Alumni house for Section members and Sigma Xi members to meet with Russell.

Also during the April meeting, the Section will be honoring the outstanding high school and junior high school teachers for the year. The outstanding high school teacher is Linda Ford from Sycamore High School. The outstanding junior high school teacher is Joan Hall from Summit Country Day School. Please join me in congratulating them on their achievements. The Section will also be recognizing the area high school students who were winners in the Oesper Olympiad and Science Day contests.

Finally, I want to mention that this year's party night will be held Friday, May 30 at Valley Vineyards. At this meeting, the Section will present its first annual "Outstanding Service to the Section" Award. Be sure to mark your calendars.


Karlyn A. Schnapp


Junior High/Middle School Teacher of the Year

Ms. Joan Hall is an 8th grade science teacher at Summit Country Day School. Her nomination package described her exceptional dedication to improving the teaching of science at the middle school level. She has served as the middle school representative at NSTA and has promoted greater emphasis on middle school science. She has published several articles on middle school science through NSTA.

Ms. Hall has participated in conferences at the regional, state and national levels and has presented on new and upcoming middle school science education issues.


High School Teacher of the Year

Ms. Linda Ford is a Chemistry teacher at Sycamore High School. Ms. Ford has participated in the ACS Education Discussion Group and has been a presenter at local ACS workshops. She has played leadership roles in Project N.E.E.D. in addition to the local ACS. Ms. Ford has had presentations at local, regional, state and national meetings and has been a national CBL trainer. She has also participated in National Chemistry Week demonstrations.


49th Southeastern Regional Meeting
of the American Chemical Society

October 19-22, 1997

Roanoke Airport Marriott and Clarion Hotels
Roanoke, Virginia

Hosted by the Virginia Blue Ridge Section

The Blue Ridge Section of the American Chemical Society extends an invitation to attend and to present at the general sessions and symposia of the 49th annual Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society. The meeting will take place at the Roanoke Marriott and Roanoke Clarion Hotels, near the Roanoke Regional Airport. These two adjacent hotels have excellent accommodations and food services. Roanoke is located in the valley where the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains converge, and in mid-October would be in its full fall foliage. Both the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Appalachian [hiking] Trail are within a few minutes drive of the hotels. Roanoke also features the Science Museum of Western Virginia, Harrison Museum of African American Culture, Center in the Square, Mill Mountain Theater, and the Virginia Museum of Transportation. It is about a 45-minute drive to Virginia Tech.

General sessions will be held in the following areas of Chemistry: Analytical, Biochemistry, Chemical Education, Environmental, High School Teaching, Inorganic, Organic, Physical, Polymer, and Student Affiliate Activities.

Symposia will be presented in: Patterned Organic Thin Films, Transition Metal-Catalyzed Reactions of Diazo Compounds, Cyclopentadienyl Ligand Design of Transition Metals, Recent Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry, High Value-Added Materials from Polysaccharides, The Synthesis and Characterization of Polymeric Structural Adhesives and Matrix Composites, Electron Transfer: Theory and Applications, Chemical Education using the Internet, Microwave Energy Applied to Organic Synthesis and Environmental Remediation, and The Student-Mentor Interface Program.

The Deadline for submission of abstracts of contributed papers is June 1, 1997. Abstracts should be sent to the Program Chair, Tomas Hudlicky, using standard ACS abstract forms.

Dr. Tomas Hudlicky
Program Chair
Department of Chemistry
University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL 32611.

Phone: (352) 392-9844
FAX: (352) 846-1203



1997-1998 American Chemical Society Federal Policy Agenda


During the 1997-1998 year, the Society will pursue the recommendations contained in that report and is committed particularly to implementation of policies that advance:

  1. preservice and inservice professional development of elementary and secondary school teachers of science and mathematics;
  2. underrepresented minorities and women in science and technology;
  3. science and technology education at two-year colleges
  4. technician education and training programs;
  5. formal and informal science education programs at cognizant federal agencies; and
  6. graduate education in the sciences.

ACS will continue to promote the coordination and assessment of federal science education programs so that all programs have a greater impact on the systemic problems facing science, mathematics, engineering, and technology education.

Employment Issues

For 1997-1998, ACS will support legislation that improves pension benefits. In addition, the Society will examine, develop positions, as appropriate, and promote them for:

  1. immigration policy that impacts the U.S. scientific and engineering workforce;
  2. retraining of chemical professionals;
  3. portability and affordability for health care coverage; and
  4. temporary employment and benefits of chemical professionals.


During 1997-1998, ACS will work with government officials, Congress, and interested organizations to build a stronger scientific base for environmental policies, including sustainable development. The Society will advocate:

  1. environmental research funding;
  2. improvements in risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication;
  3. flexible legislation and regulations that can readily accommodate scientific and technological advancements and cost-benefit considerations on a constant basis;
  4. improved development, reporting, and interpretation of environmental analytical data;
  5. implementation of pollution prevention policies; and
  6. environmental legislative and regulatory provisions that are tailored to the unique operation, expertise, nature, and contributions of laboratories.

Federal Research

For 1997-1998, the Society will promote:

  1. strong federal investment in chemical science and engineering research and infrastructure, with emphasis on those agencies that advance the frontiers of the chemical enterprise;
  2. ACS member involvement in public policy beneficial to the chemical research enterprise;
  3. the value and benefits provided by federal investments in research, especially those derived through the chemical sciences and engineering; and
  4. partnerships with the broader policy community and industrial organizations that will articulate the role in science and technology in meeting national objectives.

Technology Policy

With the goal of advocating an effective U.S. technology policy, in 1997-1998, ACS will foster:

  1. links between academia, industry, and government that support research, contribute to technical advances, and promote U.S. competitiveness;
  2. federal government integration of the chemical sciences and technologies into its technology program, including federal interagency initiatives;
  3. implementation of the recommendations in the report entitled Technology Vision 2020: The U.S. Chemical Industry;
  4. improvements to the U.S. patent system and the protection it affords; and
  5. international patent-related agreements that do not negatively affect U.S. competitiveness.



Thinking about a change?
Aware of the need to be current on career opportunities?
Seeking chemists?

Find out what the ACS can do for you!

Call Jan Strobel at (513) 489-7184


The 1997 Sustainable Technology Divison Seminar Series
National Risk Management Research Laboratory
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

April 23, 1997

Professor Lester B. Lave, Carnegie-Mellon University
"Economics and LCA Life Cycle Analysis, Pollution Prevention, Full Cost Accounting and Regulatory Reform"

May 13, 1997

Dr. J. W. Owens, The Procter and Gamble Company
"Environmental Impacts/Life cycle Assessment: Obstacles and Opportunities in the Private Sector"

All presentations are at the A. W. Briedenbach Environmental Research Center Auditorium at 26 W. martin Luther King Drive. For more information, please contact Dr. Heriberto Cabezas at (513)


Eastern Analytical Symposium

The deadline for receipt of preliminary abstracts for the 1997 Eastern Analytical Symposium is April 15, 1997. Papers in all areas of analytical and allied sciences are welcome. The meeting will be held November 16-21, 1997, at the Garden State Convention Center in Somerset, NJ.

For more information, please contact the EAS Hotline at (302) 738-6218 or the EAS Faxline at (302) 738-5275 or by email at


ACS Publications

The Department of Government Relations is please to present the latest revisions in its "Information Pamphlet" series: Pesticides and Chemical Risk: A Primer.

The Information Pamphlets highlight topical issues affecting today's society. They are written for the general public to provide a basic understanding of the chemical sciences and technologies underlying public policy issues.

Other Titles include:

Single copies of these publications are free and may be obtained by writing to the American Chemical Society, Department of Government Relations at 11155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Please enclose a self-addressed mailing label. for more information or to order multiple copies, please contact the Department of Government Relations at (202) 872-4386.


National Chemistry Week

Congratulations Winners of the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society's National Chemistry week Contest..."Ghost Crystals."

Contest WinnerTeacherSchool
Jennifer BakMrs. BunkerSt. Frances de Sales,
Lebanon, OH
Joe HamiltonMr. KrauseHolmes Elementary,
Wilmington, OH
Jasmine ParkerMrs. CallSchool for the Creative and
Performing Arts,
Cincinnati, OH
Joe SpragueMrs. GundlerMarshall Elementary,
Oxford, OH
Vesper WilliamsMrs. RandolphWhitaker Elementary,
Finneytown, OH

Each student winner, their parents and their teacher were invited as guests of the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society to attend the Society's March Dinner Meeting. Each student and teacher were recognized by the Society and awarded a certificate of achievement. Additonally, student winners received additional small prizes directed towards the encouragement and enhancement of their interest in the central science of chemistry.

To return to the local section page.

HTML version prepared on March 27, 1997 by Jeffrey.Nauss@UC.Edu.