Newsletter of the Cincinnati Section

of the

American Chemical Society

Volume 34 (7)
March 1997

EditorEdward Burton
Assistant EditorDianne Sod
AdvertisingJackie Hoofring
AdvertisingCindy Brittain

CINTACS is published nine times a year (September through May) by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society in cooperation with the Oesper Collection in the History of Chemistry of the University of Cincinnati. All changes of address should be sent to Emel Yakali at Raymond Walters College, 9555 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236; 7455686 or 7455767 (FAX).

Every member is urged to send in their e-mail address. The message should consist of the e-mail address in the "From" area and the full name of the member in the "Subject" area of the message format. Send this information via e-mail to: ACS@UCRWCU.RWC.UC.EDU

In This Issue ....



The submission deadline for the next Newsletter (April 1997) is Wednesday, March 5, 1997. Deadline for the May 1997 issue is Wednesday, April 9, 1997. All materials should be sent to:

All materials should be sent to:

Dr. Edward Burton
Procter & Gamble
P. O. Box 538707
Cincinnati, OH 45253.

Telephone:(513) 627-1494
FAX: (513) 627-1233

OR Dianne Sod at e-mail:



Wednesday, March 26
(The Marriot)
Joint meeting with Iota Sigma Pi and featuring NCW Award Winners
Featured Speaker: Dr. Barry Trost, Stanford University (Chiral Catalytic Synthesis)
Discussion Groups: Analytical and Organic
Wednesday, April 30
(Northern Kentucky University)
High School Teachers Night and joint with Northern Kentucky Chapter of Sigma Xi
Featured Speaker: Dr. Russell Hulse, Princeton University, 1995 Nobel Laureate, Physics
Discussion Groups: Computational and Education
Friday, May 23 -Tentative-
(Location To Be Announced)
Outstanding Service to the Cincinnati ACS Section Award


Distinguished Organic Chemist Dr. Barry Trost
Featured at the March Meeting

Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1941, Barry M. Trost began his university training at the University of Pennsylvania (BA, 1962) and obtained his Ph.D. in Chemistry just three years later at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1965). He directly moved to the University of Wisconsin where he was promoted to Professor of Chemistry in 1969 and subsequently became the Vilas Research Professor in 1982. Professor Trost joined the faculty at Stanford as Professor of Chemistry in 1987 and became Tamaki Professor of Humanities and Sciences in 1990. In addition, Professor Trost has been Visiting Professor of Chemistry in Germany (University of Marburg, Hamburg and Munich), Denmark (University of Copenhagen), France (Universities of Paris VI and Paris-Sud), Italy (University of Pisa), and Spain (University of Barcelona). In 1994 he was presented with a Docteur honoris causa of the Université Claude-Bernard (Lyon I), France.

Professor Trost made a major contribution early in his career with the isolation, structure determination, and synthesis of the insect juvenile hormone which initiated the concept of insect growth regulants as an alternative to pesticides. Enhancing synthetic effectiveness has been a major goal. Over one hundred total syntheses of divergent molecules ranging from antitumor agents to electrical conductors have been completed.

In recognition of his many contributions, Professor Trost has received a number of awards, including the ACS Award in Pure Chemistry (1977), the ACS Award for Creative Work in Synthetic Organic Chemistry (1981), the Baekeland Award (1981), the first Allan R. Day Award of the Philadelphia Organic Chemists' Club (1983), the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Award (1984), MERIT Award of the NIH (1988), Hamilton Award (1988), Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award (1989), Guenther Award in the Chemistry of Essential Oils and Related Products (1990), the Dr. Paul Janssen Prize (1990), the ASSU Graduate Teaching Award (1991), Pfizer Senior Faculty Award (1992), Bing Teaching Award (1993), and the ACS Roger Adams Award (1995). He has held a Sloan Fellowship, a Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar grant and an American-Swiss Foundation Fellowship as well as having been the Julius Stieglitz Memorial Lecturer of the ACS-Chicago section (1980-81) and Centenary Lecturer of the Royal Society of Chemistry (1981-82). Professor Trost has been elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Sciences (1982) and a member of the National Academy of Sciences (1980). He has served as editor and on the editorial board of many books and journals, including being Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Chemical Society (1974-80). He has served as a member of many panels and scientific delegations, and served as Chairman of the NIH Medicinal Chemistry Study Section. He has held over 60 special university lectureships and presented over 150 lectures at national and international meetings. He has published two books and over 550 scientific articles. He edited a major compendium entitled Comprehensive Organic Synthesis consisting of nine volumes and serves as editor for Chem Tracts/Organic Chemist.

Crafting Chiral Spacefor a Catalytic Synthetic Reaction

Introducing asymmetry into organic structures represents a continuing contemporary challenge. Rationally devising catalytic systems to achieve such a result is a most significant goal. Asymmetric reactions involving transition metal catalysis have focused exclusively on reactions 1) in which the enantiodiscriminating event of forming or breaking a bond occurs within the coordination sphere of the metal and, thereby, proximal to the asymmetric inducing groups and 2) in which only one type of bond is formed (i.e. C-H, C-O, or C-C). Catalytic allylic alkylations differ in both respects. Bond breakage or formation occurs outside the coordination sphere of the metal and, therefore, distal to any enantiodiscriminating groups. In addition, many different types of bonds can be formed (C-C, C-N, C-S, C-O, C-H, etc.). Efforts to define the requirements for asymmetric transition metal complexes that can effect such reactions generally, the types of catalytic processes in which asymmetry can be introduced, and the applicability of these catalytic processes will be outlined.


From the Chair

This month's meeting is very special to the Section since it features the student award winners from the National Chemistry Week contests. The contest was again organized and administered through the tremendous efforts of Rich Sunberg of Procter and Gamble. The Section will also host the students' teachers and parents for the evening. The recognition and presentation of the awards to these students completes the efforts of our Section's National Chemistry Week co-chairs, Jody Mesaros and Chris Morrissey for the 1996-1997 year.

The March meeting also features one of the preeminent organic chemists in the country, Barry Trost. Barry will discuss his work in the area of chiral reactions and chiral catalysts. I encourage everyone to take advantage of the good fortune our Section has in being able to host such a truly outstanding scientist.

Speaking of outstanding scientists, congratulations go out to Dick Elder, who has been selected as the Distinguished Scientist of Cincinnati by the Engineers and Scientists of Greater Cincinnati. The award was presented to Dick on Thursday, February 20th.

Finally, with the elections and inauguration over and the 105th Congress in session, I would like to take this opportunity to inform the Section's membership of the ACS's 1997 Science Policy Agenda. ACS has selected five areas of focus: Education, Employment Issues, Environment, Federal Research, and Technology Policy. I have detailed ACS's specific policy statements and agenda regarding these five areas in a separate article contained in this issue of CINTACS.


Karlyn A. Schnapp


ACS Science Policy Fellowship

Apply NOW!

The Fellowship offers a unique opportunity for a scientist to join ACS staff and:

The fellowship is for one or two years. The Fellow receives an annual salary with ACS benefits package, as well as a relocation allowance. Support from present employer and other sources is allowed. ACS members at any point in their careers may apply. A Ph. D. is not required. The deadline is June 2, 1997. For more information contact: Wanda Guice at (202) 872-4479 or by email at


1997-1998 American Chemical Society Federal Policy Agenda


During the 1997-1998 year, the Society will pursue the recommendations contained in that report and is committed particularly to implementation of policies that advance:

  1. preservice and inservice professional development of elementary and secondary school teachers of science and mathematics;
  2. underrepresented minorities and women in science and technology;
  3. science and technology education at two-year colleges
  4. technician education and training programs;
  5. formal and informal science education programs at cognizant federal agencies; and
  6. graduate education in the sciences.

ACS will continue to promote the coordination and assessment of federal science education programs so that all programs have a greater impact on the systemic problems facing science, mathematics, engineering, and technology education.

Employment Issues

For 1997-1998, ACS will support legislation that improves pension benefits. In addition, the Society will examine, develop positions, as appropriate, and promote them for:

  1. immigration policy that impacts the U.S. scientific and engineering workforce;
  2. retraining of chemical professionals;
  3. portability and affordability for health care coverage; and
  4. temporary employment and benefits of chemical professionals.


During 1997-1998, ACS will work with government officials, Congress, and interested organizations to build a stronger scientific base for environmental policies, including sustainable development. The Society will advocate:

  1. environmental research funding;
  2. improvements in risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication;
  3. flexible legislation and regulations that can readily accommodate scientific and technological advancements and cost-benefit considerations on a constant basis;
  4. improved development, reporting, and interpretation of environmental analytical data;
  5. implementation of pollution prevention policies; and
  6. environmental legislative and regulatory provisions that are tailored to the unique operation, expertise, nature, and contributions of laboratories.

Federal Research

For 1997-1998, the Society will promote:

  1. strong federal investment in chemical science and engineering research and infrastructure, with emphasis on those agencies that advance the frontiers of the chemical enterprise;
  2. ACS member involvement in public policy beneficial to the chemical research enterprise;
  3. the value and benefits provided by federal investments in research, especially those derived through the chemical sciences and engineering; and
  4. partnerships with the broader policy community and industrial organizations that will articulate the role in science and technology in meeting national objectives.

Technology Policy

With the goal of advocating an effective U.S. technology policy, in 1997-1998, ACS will foster:

  1. links between academia, industry, and government that support research, contribute to technical advances, and promote U.S. competitiveness;
  2. federal government integration of the chemical sciences and technologies into its technology program, including federal interagency initiatives;
  3. implementation of the recommendations in the report entitled Technology Vision 2020: The U.S. Chemical Industry;
  4. improvements to the U.S. patent system and the protection it affords; and
  5. international patent-related agreements that do not negatively affect U.S. competitiveness.


Science Fair Season

It's spring and the science fair season is in full swing. Students throughout the Cincinnati area in middle school through high school are putting the finishing touches on their science fair projects. The Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society is an active participant in various aspects of the science fair process.

Some members provide consultation to students concerning different aspects of their projects. They advise on background, safety, experimentation, or possibly provide access to equipment. Providing helpful advice to these young scientists promotes a positive image of our chemical profession.

Science fairs at all levels, from school level, through district levels and the state level need judges. ACS members serve throughout the area as judges at local school fairs, the district level fair and at the state fair. Local school science fairs and community science fairs occasionally contact the Cincinnati Section as to whom they might call for judges to serve at their fairs. Hence, our list of members willing to judge is shared with these organizers. The Southwest Ohio District Science Day Coordinator also solicits judges for judging teams for the Southwest Ohio District Science Fair. Finally, the Cincinnati Section provides judges to judge for the Cincinnati Section ACS Awards in Biochemistry and Chemistry presented at the Southwest District Science Fair. Many other sponsors of awards merely specify that their awards go to the highest point students in a given category. The Cincinnati Section, in judging for its own awards tries to recognize student's work that is original and shows exceptional talent, interest or insight. The interaction of ACS members and the young scientists of tomorrow is the best part. The young scientists really enjoy and benefit from discussing their work with practicing scientists and engineers. Also, scientists and engineers appreciate interest and excitement in their fields. To those members busy judging this season, thank you! Your time and interest benefits not only the Cincinnati Section but the entire chemical profession.

April 5, 1997 is Southwest Ohio District Science Day. Science Day is held at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. The Cincinnati Section helps to sponsor this event by funding participation patches and awards. Our support with various aspects of judging is, however, most valuable. If you would like to judge, and haven't been contacted, please contact Susan Hershberger, at Department of Chemistry, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio or by telephone at (513) 529-4143.



Thinking about a change?
Aware of the need to be current on career opportunities?
Seeking chemists?

Find out what the ACS can do for you!

Call Jan Strobel at (513) 489-7184


ACS Publications

The Department of Government Relations is please to present the latest revisions in its "Information Pamphlet" series: Pesticides and Chemical Risk: A Primer.

The Information Pamphlets highlight topical issues affecting today's society. They are written for the general public to provide a basic understanding of the chemical sciences and technologies underlying public policy issues.

Other Titles include:

Single copies of these publications are free and may be obtained by writing to the American Chemical Society, Department of Government Relations at 11155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Please enclose a self-addressed mailing label. for more information or to order multiple copies, please contact the Department of Government Relations at (202) 872-4386.


A Message From the Chair-Elect

Your section needs you! As we begin our plans for programs and activities for next year, I would like to encourage participation in our activities by as many members as possible, especially those who haven't been committee members previously. One of my goals for the year is to have at least three members on each committee; we have had too many one-person committees in the past. Also, I welcome suggestions for new ideas, initiatives, programs, etc. for the section. There are still open slots for after-dinner speakers, so if you have a suggestion for a speaker or topic, please let me know. I am encouraged that the section finances appear to be improving this year, so we should be able to continue our tradition of outstanding programs. Specific activities we need to look at in the coming year are consideration of a strategic plan, selection of a chair for the regional meeting to be held here in 2000, and emphasis on the 10th anniversary of National Chemistry Week. National has prepared a strategic plan and has strongly encouraged divisions, committees, and local sections to do likewise. The 10th anniversary of NCW also promises to be a big deal nationally, so we need to be prepared for that. I am sure that other important activities are on the minds of our members, as well. Please contact me at Northern Kentucky University (phone 606-572-5409 or e-mail to suggest activities or speakers, or to volunteer your services to the section. I look forward to hearing from you.

Bill Oliver
First Vice-Chair, Chair-Elect


Outstanding Service Award

The Section Awards Committee requests nominations for a new award, the Outstanding Service Award. This award is to be presented annually to a member of the Section in recognition of outstanding service to the Cincinnati Section and the field of chemistry. Nominees for this award must be members or affiliates of the Cincinnati Section. The 1997 Outstanding Service Award will be presented at the Party Night Section meeting in May. The deadline for nominations is April 1, 1997.

Nominations for this award should be sent to:

James J. Knittel, Ph. D.
Awards Committee Chair
University of Cincinnati
College of Pharmacy
P.O. Box 670004
3223 Eden Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0004


The 1997 Sustainable Technology Divison Seminar Series
National Risk Management Research Laboratory
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

March 10, 1997 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Dr. Sa Van Ho, Monsanto Company
"Properties and Applications of Supported Polymeric Liquid Membranes"

April 23, 1997

Professor Lester B. Lave, Carnegie-Mellon University
"Economics and LCA Life Cycle Analysis, Pollution Prevention, Full Cost Accounting and Regulatory Reform"

May 13, 1997

Dr. J. W. Owens, The Procter and Gamble Company
"Environmental Impacts/Life cycle Assessment: Obstacles and Opportunities in the Private Sector"

All presentations are at the A. W. Briedenbach Environmental Research Center Auditorium at 26 W. martin Luther King Drive. For more information, please contact Dr. Heriberto Cabezas at (513)


Eastern Analytical Symposium

The deadline for receipt of preliminary abstracts for the 1997 Eastern Analytical Symposium is April 15, 1997. Papers in all areas of analytical and allied sciences are welcome. The meeting will be held November 16-21, 1997, at the Garden State Convention Center in Somerset, NJ.

For more information, please contact the EAS Hotline at (302) 738-6218 or the EAS Faxline at (302) 738-5275 or by email at

To return to the local section page.

HTML version prepared on March 3, 1997 by Jeffrey.Nauss@UC.Edu.