Newsletter of the Cincinnati Section
of the
American Chemical Society

Volume 33 (8)
April 1996

Editor.......................Edward Burton
Advertising...............Jackie Hoofring

CINTACS is published nine times a year (September through May) by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society in cooperation with the Oesper Collection in the History of Chemistry of the University of Cincinnati. All changes of address should be sent to Emel Yakali at Raymond Walters College, 9555 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236; 745-5686 or 745-5767 (FAX).

In This Issue ....


The deadline for the next Newsletter (May 1996) is April 10, 1996. All materials should be sent to:

Dr. Edward Burton,
Procter & Gamble,
P. O. Box 538707
Cincinnati, OH 45253.

(513) 627-1494 Telephone
(513) 627-1233 FAX


From the Chair

I cannot believe how quickly the year is moving! If you have not attended a meeting recently, and want to renew friendships with your colleagues, April 25 is your last chance until September.

This month's meeting is High School Teacher's and Student's Night. The Section will recognize our High School Teacher of the Year, and the students who excelled on the Oesper Exam. This exam in honor of Dr. Ralph E Oesper former Professor Emeritus of the University of Cincinnati, and is administered by our section member John Williams Professor of Chemistry at Miami University/Hamilton. In addition , we will recognize our Associate Chemist Award winner for 1996 Edward R. Cox of Procter & Gamble, and our 50 year members living in the Cincinnati area.

Recently, we received a challenge from National to submit a proposal for a Grant up to $2000 in the area of membership retention. This is one of the most critical areas facing the ACS and its local Sections. Primarily the grant is to focus on the under 40 age group with 0-5 year's membership. A task force was formed to address this issue, and design a plan to be submitted by the March 1 deadline. The members who met and offered suggestions for the proposal were Karlyn Schnapp, Chair Elect, Emel Yakali, Membership Chair, David Greenberg, interested Section member from the University of Cincinnati's Engineering College, and myself. Our project title is Creating Membership Networks: From an Electronic Database to the Personal Touch. If we receive the Grant, our first objective is to set up an electronic database of all members so that we know who the target group is, and to host a Mixer this Spring for this group.The project is multi-faceted and I'll keep you posted on its progress.

Party Night this year is Friday, May 17 and will be a dinner cruise. I will announce the results of the election for next year's Officers of the Section that evening. Check the enclosed meeting announcements for details of the upcoming meetings.

Deanna Ashing

NOTE: Please see FROM THE EDITOR on page 6 regarding proposed format changes in CINTACS.



The Society of Chemical Industry (American Section) named Procter & Gamble scientist Dr. M. David Francis the 1996 recipient of the Perkin Medal. The gold medal was presented to Francis on March 13, 1996 during a dinner at the Plaza Hotel in New York City. The award was established in 1906 by the American Section to commemorate the discovery of the first synthetic dye by Sir Henry Perkin. It has now recognized 90 scientists and engineers who have made outstanding contributions to the improvement of the quality of life and world competitiveness of the U.S. economy. Other Perkin medalists include Edwin Land, inventor of the Polaroid camera; Charles Hall, who invented the process that changed aluminum from an exotic metal to a readily available commodity; Herbert Dow, founder of Dow Chemical Company; Leo Baekeland, inventor of the first plastic, Bakelite; and Carl Djerassi, inventor of oral contraceptives.


Membership Committee News

To reach all ACS members who are in the Cincinnati Section, The Section Membership Committee is attempting to collect e-mail addresses of all members. Every member is welcome and urged to send an e-mail address to the address below. The message should consist of the e-mail address in the "From" area and the full name of the member written in the "Subject" area of the message format.

Please send this information via e-mail to the following address: ACS@UCRWCU.RWC.UC.EDU.

Thanks for everyone's cooperation.

Emel Yakali, Chair
Membership Committee


ACS E-mail Addresses

World Wide Web Sites

E-mail Boxes


Metals Symposium at the University of Cincinnati

Metallic and organic species emitted from combustion and other industrial sources pose a significant environmental risk. In addition, metallic species are known to play a role in the formation of several toxic species such as dioxin in combustors, and other catalyzed transformations in the atmosphere. The Symposium will address several aspects of the problem of metallic species: formation and emission, atmospheric chemistry and the resultant environmental and health impact.

PROGRAM - Friday, April 26, 1995


Directions: From I-75, take a Hopple Street Exit. Turn left at the end of exit ramp, follow Hopple across the I-75, straight through the traffic light, where Hopple becomes M. L. King Blvd. Follow M.L.K. up the hill to Campus (see map). Park in either Library or CBA garages, and walk to the Engineering Research Center (ERC). Plaza level entrance.


The Colloquium is open to the public. Graduate students, professors, industrial and government researchers and consultants are encouraged to attend. Anyone who is working with metals in the environment will find the expertise of the speakers and the topics discussed in the Symposium very exciting and informative. The seating is limited, and attendance will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis based on the time of registration. Please help us to avoid empty seats by registering only after you are certain that you will attend. Thank you for your assistance. You can also register on-line by accessing the Symposium Homepage on the World Wide Web (


You must register in advance prior to April 15, 1996. All advance registrants will receive confirmation prior to April 21, 1996 be regular mail or by E-mail. For registration, please fill out the following, detach this page from the rest of the flyer, attach a stamp on the reverse side and mail to us prior to April 15, 1996.

Name: __________________________________
Affiliation: _______________________________
Mailing Address: __________________________
E-mail Address: ___________________________
Phone: ________________ Fax: ______________

I will attend the pre-colloquium reception on at 7 PM on Thurs. April 25. Yes No

I will attend the Friday lunch (Cost: $10) Yes No .

Please include a check payable to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati.


From The Editor

This month's Cintacs is being printed differently. Several suggestions have been made to Deanna Ashing and Karlyn Schnapp regarding changes in the Cintacs format that would be helpful to the readers. This month we have changed the color and type of paper being used for the publication. The paper in this issue is made from partially recycled stock as we have used in the past. This paper is also a lower weight stock that previously used. The change in the paper stock was implemented to enhance the appearance of black & white photographs that we insert into the publication as well as for easier reading of the articles. The blue border was used to hopefully highlight the Cintacs and ACS names in the banner of the front page. Another proposed change involves replacing the ACS logo on the front page with the actual meeting notice and some of the information about Cintacs that currently appears on page 2 of this issue. Diane Sod has agreed to help me implement some of these changes.

I need your feedback!! The cost of publishing Cintacs with this new paper and format will be about 20% higher than our current publication cost. The major increase in the cost is due to the blue banner on page 1. If the entire publication is in black & white, then the publication cost is actually slightly less than previous issues. I need to know if the membership sees a definite advantage in the format changes. Does the blue banner add enough to justify its cost? Do we need to return to heavier stock paper? Should the logo or the meeting notice appear on page 1. Please feel free to e-mail me your opinion.

Ed Burton, Editor


HTML version of CINTACS prepared on April 1, 1996 by Jeffrey.Nauss@UC.Edu