Volume 33 (1)
September 1995

CINTACS is published by the Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society in cooperation with the Oesper Collection in the History of Chemistry of the University of Cincinnati. All changes of address should be sent to Emel Yakali at Raymond Walters College, 9555 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236; 745-5686 or 745-5767 (FAX).

In This Issue ....


The deadline for any article you wish to submit is the first day of the month prior to the meeting (i.e., September 1 for the October meeting). All materials should be sent to Dr. Edward Burton, Procter & Gamble, P. O. Box 398707, Cincinnati, OH 45239.
(513) 627-1494 Telephone
(513) 627-1233 FAX

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